Prayer Points

Urgent Prayers
Pray for the mid-term elections. Pray for righteous leaders to be elected.
Pray for those running for political office to walk in both integrity and truth.
Pray that God will reveal reveal truth to individuals in what they should believe and how they should govern.
Pray that all forms of illegal voting would be eliminated from the count and that we will have fair elections in 2024.
Pray that the government would protect our rights and liberties and refrain from imposing upon our freedoms with mandates.
Pray for faith and endurance on the part of the saints.
Pray that many more believers would vote vertical (biblical values).
Pray against Jezebel. Jezebel is the spirit of witchcraft that seeks to gain control. That control is seeking to be exercised through our government and governors' mandates, manipulation of other voices, mainstream media and big tech companies.
Pray against ancestor spirits. The Black Lives Matter founders are on record saying that BLM is a spiritual movement. and that they in fact are accountable to these spirits. BLM is financially supported and directly endorsed by the Democratic party. This means that these demonic enemies at minimum, influence, and direct the Democratic party. These spirits have been responsible for the rioting and looting and will continue manifesting in our streets. Jesus said in John 10:10 that "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..."
Pray against lying, deception, and manipulation. These are the spirits of witchcraft in which people are being controlled. So let's come against these.

Pray for Congress and Governors
I Timothy 2:1-3
Pro-life and protect the sanctity of life.
Pro-marriage between men and women and for the betterment of families.
Work to end social injustice by working across racial lines to give everyone an opportunity to live peaceable lives.
Law and order to prevail (Romans 13).
Religious Freedom.
Prayer in schools.
Pray for our Senators by name. Find a list of Senators here.
Pray for our State Representatives. Find a list of Representatives here.
Pray for our Governors. Find a list of State Governors here.
Pray For The Church:
May the Church be mobilized to vote.
Give the Church discernment to know the truth.
May we have the boldness to speak the truth regardless of the consequences.
The Church would continue to be full of His love as we share the truth.
Pastors and other church leaders will speak the truth fearlessly.
The Spirit of prayer and supplication to be upon the Church (Zechariah 12:10)
The Spirit of the fear of the Lord be upon the Church (Isaiah 11:1-3)
The Church would be mobilized to go out and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray For:
The Church to arise, and take up its authority given to us by Christ. (Matthew 28:19)
Angelic armies to be loosed to battle principalities and powers (Daniel 10:12)
Unity (Psalm 133)
Justice to prevail. (Proverbs 22:15)
Spiritual Awakening
Souls to be saved
Voices to be united
Churches to remain open
The plans of the enemy will be foiled. (Psalms 33:1-12)
May people recognize the destruction of abortion and the welfare system has had on the decimation of their families and vote for life.
Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 8:13)
Pray the church will go to battle and understand what we are fighting against. (Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
Pray Against
All fraudulent voting or any meaning to corrupt the voting process (John 8:14)
Spirit of Jezebel, witchcraft controlling spirit.
Ancestor Spirits, IFA. This is a spirit BLM founders worship.
Principalities and powers over China, Iran, and Russia.
Hate & Chaos
Lying & Manipulation
Destruction & Death
The Spirit of Lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
Covid-19 or other pandemic (plandemic)
The White House Siege
Critical Race Theory
Homosexuality and Transgender being promoted in our schools
Criminal Activity supporting illegal immigration that has cost the lives of these aliens and endangered Americans as narcotics are being smuggled across the border, transporting immigrants even with criminal backgrounds to cities across the country endangering the community they enter.
Engage in Spiritual Warfare Over These Points

May the body of Christ rise up in unified prayer for our nation.
Pray a hedge of protection around Attorney General and their staff.
Each day put on the full armor of God and be prepared to fight the good fight. (Ephesians 6:13-20)
Pray for Millennials and youth to rise up as the next generation of spiritual warriors to fight for truth and righteousness.
Overturn Roe vs. Wade. This will lift the greatest stain on our country and avoid judgment.
May God’s plan prevail in our nation. (Proverbs 21:30)
May the 50 Day Fight be a catalyst for spiritual awakening and the transformation of the Church.
Bind apathy, the spirit of slumber, and luke-warmness from the Church.
Pray in the harvest. Let this be a BIG REVIVAL and HARVEST of SOULS.
Give us a spirit of knowledge and understanding of what is happening in our world and how to walk/live.
Ask the Spirit of God to help us speak the truth and how we can minister His love to others.
Pray for people regardless of party affiliation but pray against Spiritual wickedness that seeks to manipulate and control them. (Ephesians 6:10-19)
Pray for the justice system. Pray for judges to make righteous decision. Pray for justice and righteousness to reign.
Pray for our Supreme Court Justices and judges to make just and right decisions.
Heal our land. (II Chronicles 2:14)
Pray the fire of the Holy Spirit would fill every believer and would consume every evil in play.
Visit every household. Bring change and revival to families.
Protect us from sickness.
May the spirit of humility and repentance come upon the Church and a great desire to be holy as He is Holy. (I John 3:2-3)