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White Feather

Join The Fight!

A Call to Action

Daniel Bernard, President of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay and one of the convenors, explains why it is imperative that churches and believers nationwide act now through prayer to war against the enemy.

USA Flag

Historical Prayers

From Two of Our Past National Heroes

"I now make it my earnest prayer that God would have the United States in His holy protection, that … he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Christian humility and pacific temper of mind, …and without a humble imitation of whose example of these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation."



- George Washington

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"O God, in these turbulent days when fear and doubt are mounting high, give us broad visions, penetrating eyes, and power of endurance. … O God, have mercy upon us. Forgive us for what we could have been but failed to be. Give us the intelligence to know your will. Give us the courage to do your will. Give us the devotion to love your will. In the name and spirit of Jesus, we pray."



– Martin Luther King, Jr.


Our Purpose

We are all aware of the critical juncture our country is at. With that being said, I believe we needed to launch intensive and consistent prayer for 50 days leading up to November 5th, 2024, Election Day. We are called to continue the battle in prayer even after the election. Use your influence to have others join us. 

Daily prayer and conference calls are being done, of which we are one. It's our hope that churches would also be open, as many days as possible, to pray for the nation. Pastors are encouraged to organize collective prayer with other ministries in public spaces or church buildings. Rock Church in San Diego, CA organized over 132 churches to pray together in public areas. This would be great to replicate. 


Let us know how you would like to join us and be involved. Our goal is to inspire prayer nationwide that will grow organically and virally. Please register here on our website. Also, let us know how we can share what you are doing in your area. We understand this could be one of many initiatives that will come forward and we plan to cross and co-promote with such groups. We want to link every network and ministry to prayer and support what God has already begun.


- Daniel Bernard                       

Founder and President of     

Somebody Cares Tampa Bay

Our Mission

To preserve the Judeo/Christian values and principles that founded our country by uniting in prayer for candidates who will uphold them.

Praying Together
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